Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Most Boring Post

Get your attention? Well, this IS truly the most boring post you'll get from me. Why? I've been trying to blog all week about our recent family vacation. But when we were gone, I needed to dump my memory card and the only place to do that was on Superman's laptop. If you follow him on either his blog, his business website, his Twitter or his Facebook you will notice that he has completely been hogging the computer this week! Now, I'm not going to completely complain because he is trying to market his business and I'm proud of him. BUT . . . my blog is starting to grow cobwebs. :-)

Anyhow, as you anxiously await my next post, feel free to keep up by checking out Superman's blog and my bestie's blog. They are both up to date!

BTW ~ If you follow Superman's blog (or facebook or Twitter . . .) he often offers "specials" for his followers. Check him out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! Ronnie told me it was time i put some balloons on the blog. Going to try to get to that this weekend! Hugs!
