Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Day in My Life

So, today started out like any other Tuesday. I got up and went to work. The excitement today, though was that we were going to pick out new scrubs!!!! Now, at our office, we coordinate our scrubs to where we dress the same each day. Have you ever been shopping with 4 girls with different tastes and have to pick out something for all of them to wear? The only other time I've done this (other than the other times we've picked out scrubs) was for my wedding. And I think this was more stressful. (Maybe because for the wedding, they only had to wear it once and with the scrubs, they are every day.)

So, after a time of shopping, trying on different styles and sizes and then picking out colors to please everyone (thank you, Kari, for agreeing to your FAVORITE color!) we felt that it was time for a break.

Here's me with 2 of my favorite girls (Corrie and Kari).

And here are my 3 girls ~ Corrie, Kari and Leticia. We spend so much time together you would think we wouldn't want to eat lunch together ;-)

After an afternoon of clinic patients with Dr Robinett, I finally got to head home for time with the family. I love Tuesdays because Superman and I neither have commitments and it's usually our big family night. Tonight was no different. One thing the girls love to do (and I'm not complaining because I absolutely despise it) is using daddy's brand new pooper-scooper!

Hannah's showing Chloe how to work it!

Then it was play time.

And while we were outside playing and scooping poop, Superman was fixing up a scrumptious meal . . . grilled fish and potatoes (one of my favorites). And I love when he cooks so much that I didn't even mind cleaning up!

It starts with this.
Then he adds a little of that.
Then he grills it up.
And voila! Grilled fish and potatoes! (I know, the pics don't do it justice.)

But we sure did eat it up. Hannah even had seconds and Chloe cleaned her plate. That's uncommon!

After dinner the girls decided they needed plums for snack. I'm so grateful my girls like to eat fruit. I'm praying they don't make the same food mistakes I did. I'm still trying hard to release the weight!

Then I saw this flying around my house. Remember, I said they are daddy's girls. But I only caught one of them tonight.

Now, they've both flown off to bed and I'm going to go spend time with Superman. Maybe a movie. Who knows? I'm just glad he loves me!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Typical Monday

So, nothing really exciting to talk about tonight. I still have a few "players" to introduce but that will come later. Today, I'm grateful for the little things in life.

I'm grateful that today I was able to meet Superman for lunch. That doesn't usually get to happen on Monday because of how hectic the office can be after the weekend. But we needed to take care of some business with a utility company and they have a location halfway (or at least close to it) between my office and Superman's. So, once business was taken care of, we took advantage of the Jersey Mike's nearby!

After work, I got to talk on the phone with a sweet lady (you know who you are!) who is quickly becoming a dear friend. Irony (with God's help) crossed our paths! We are kindred spirits who seem to face a lot of the same problems at around the same times. It helps when we can encourage each other.

Then, hanging out with mom and all the kiddos for a while. Then, the real adventure began . . . grocery shopping with both girls. Wow! One thing, though . . . I did NOT wait until the busiest shopping day of the month this time. I had to call Jen. I knew she would be proud of me for planning ahead! However, planning ahead did NOT help my trip run smoothly. The girls were in rare form. WHINING DRIVES ME CRAZY so to say the least - I was so frazzled when we left the grocery store! Even though the girls did not deserve a treat, I did. So we stopped at the snow cone stand. It helped a little ;-)

Finally, home. Baths and bed for the girls. Straightening up the house a little and putting a few more things away for John and I (will it ever get done?). Now, blogging out some tension. Next . . . some time with John then BED!!! I'm pooped! But always ready to see what tomorrow brings.

And since I didn't get many pics today, I'm going to leave you with this one. It's Hannah on crazy hair day at VBS last week but the look on her face says it all . . . . later!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Sweet Girls (I'll try not to bore you with pictures!)

Okay, so I took a small sebatical. It was for good reason . . . fellowship with friends and family the first night, fellowship with friends from Sunday School on the second night then a night out with Superman for our anniversary last night. So, tonight it's finally time you get to meet my girls!

Superman and I didn't wait long to bring our first little bundle into the world. Remember, I was an "old maid" before we married and I wanted to be completely finished having children by the time I was 30 ;-)

So, when we learned I was expecting our first child just 7 months after we said "I Do" no one was really surprised. Now, the surprise was that we chose not to learn the gender of our expected child until "Baby H" (Hudson for a boy, Hannah for a girl) arrived. In September 2005, Hannah Faith joined our family. She was such a sweet, quiet baby! And to see Superman light up when she was around . . . he could swaddle her even better than I could and I was experienced at swaddling! Over the years, she has developed such a personality. She is now almost 5 and she can be the sweetest, most loving, most funny, most onery, most stubborn and even most defiant child all within the same 10 minutes! But I wouldn't trade her for the world. She's growing so much every day - not only in size (she's destined to be petite) but in brains and personality. I'm looking forward to seeing where God leads her life!

And Hannah was so excited when Superman and I told her she was going to be a big sister! I, however, was very nervous. Hannah had been such a mellow baby, I was nervous about what this baby may be like - afraid he or she would be fussy or colicky. This time, I let Superman talk me into not letting the gender be a surprise and Hannah got her wish for a baby sister. Chloe Grace was added to our family in July 2008. I had been nervous for nothing! Chloe was such a good AND HAPPY baby! And she is still a good and happy toddler. (Don't get me wrong, she is going to be 2 soon. And her attitude lately shows that!) From day one, Hannah has been a GREAT big sister. She loves Chloe with all her heart. But, of course there is the normal sisterly bickering! And through the growth of our family, I saw Superman change in ways I could never have dreamed. He is still such a great daddy. He loves both girls with every fiber of his being!

Both girls LOVE to sing! I'm glad they got THAT from me because otherwise, they are both JUST LIKE their daddy!! And Hannah? Well, she can make up a song with the best of them - THAT she got from her grandpa :-)

**Okay . . . here is where I was attempted to insert a video of each of the girls singing. However, I've been waiting for the first one to download for now 15 minutes and it wasn't complete. So, I guess you'll just have to use your imagination!**

They love their family (both Grandpa and PaPa are faves!) and friends.

They are both daddy's girls. At first this bothered me, but now? Well, I've come to realize that this relationship with their daddy is very important in developing a healthy idea of how a man is supposed to treat them. And while I would love to say that doesn't matter because they are never going to grow up, I know that is not true. And when they grow up, they will probably want to date boys. I want them to have a great man to compare them to. I'm glad Superman is willing to be that for them! It makes me love him even more!!

They love going to church. Superman and I are grateful for this! It makes it easier to teach them about God's love when they are able to go to a church where our church family loves them and helps teach them about God.

Speaking of Superman, remember I said earlier that last night was our anniversary? Well, after 6 years of marriage I'd say we clean up mighty fine. Thanks, Superman, for loving me all this time.

And thank you for my beautiful family!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Special Prayer Request

I know I had said last night that you would meet my girls tonight. But God told me to change things around and ask for request for prayer. Two other very important people in my life begin a road trip for not so fun reasons very early in the morning. Let's start at the beginning . . . As you read last night, I met Superman in April 2001. I had actually met his parents even before then - in December 2000. I immediately grew to love them and that love has continued to grow over these last 9+ years.

Fast forward from our meeting in 2000 to January 2004. Superman and I were engaged to be married. His mother, Kathy, had been having some testing done because of a lump she had found in her breast. One afternoon, I was meeting with a friend (who just happened to also be a wedding consultant!) to pick out wedding announcements when Superman called. He sounded so upset I immediately knew what the tests showed. Breast Cancer. That ugly "C" word that no one wants to hear. I left Melissa's house and went to be with him.

The next few weeks consisted of surgeries and treatments. Kathy came through it all really well and as a family, we fought together to help her deal with this disease and recovery. During those weeks, her first two grandchildren joined the world (cousins, not twins!) and helped her battle to win the fight! To God's glory, he did allow the physicians to help her win the battle and become a breast cancer survivor!!!

Now, let's fast forward again. Now, it's March 2010. Throughout the years we have added 3 more grandchildren and one more on the way. Kathy has again been having some medical problems and undergoing testing to see what the problem may be. This time, I was at work when Superman called but could again hear the fear and concern in his voice and left work to be with him and his parents. Esophageal Cancer. REALLY?!?! After all these years of being a survivor, could Kathy REALLY be facing more? Chemo. Radiation. Shots. Dr visits. Surgery. Feeding tube. More surgery. WOW!!! Again, as a family we are fighting.

Early tomorrow morning, Kathy and Charles are leaving for their 2nd trip to MD Anderson Cancer Treatment Center in Houston, TX. This time, there is final testing and plans for surgery. As of now, surgery is planned for July 8.

Please be in prayer for both Charles and Kathy. Traveling safety. Peace. Comfort. But their request is that most of all, God will be glorified and His will be done. Pray for our family. We will all be traveling to Houston at different times during the recovery period to visit. Pray for our safety as well.

I have spoken with Kathy a lot during these last few months about what she believes God's plan to be. She knows that whatever the outcome, she has lived God's plan for her life. She has raised 3 wonderful children who are now raising their children in Godly homes. But the key thing she told me is this . . . I have a peace. In Jeremiah 29:11, God promised "I have a plan for you . . . plans for a future."

Do you know what your future holds? Kathy does. One day she will spend eternity with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our prayer as a family is that she will spend many more days here with us first. Please continue to pray for her and the family. I will keep you updated.