I know I had said last night that you would meet my girls tonight. But God told me to change things around and ask for request for prayer. Two other very important people in my life begin a road trip for not so fun reasons very early in the morning. Let's start at the beginning . . . As you read last night, I met Superman in April 2001. I had actually met his parents even before then - in December 2000. I immediately grew to love them and that love has continued to grow over these last 9+ years.
Fast forward from our meeting in 2000 to January 2004. Superman and I were engaged to be married. His mother, Kathy, had been having some testing done because of a lump she had found in her breast. One afternoon, I was meeting with a friend (who just happened to also be a wedding consultant!) to pick out wedding announcements when Superman called. He sounded so upset I immediately knew what the tests showed. Breast Cancer. That ugly "C" word that no one wants to hear. I left Melissa's house and went to be with him.
The next few weeks consisted of surgeries and treatments. Kathy came through it all really well and as a family, we fought together to help her deal with this disease and recovery. During those weeks, her first two grandchildren joined the world (cousins, not twins!) and helped her battle to win the fight! To God's glory, he did allow the physicians to help her win the battle and become a breast cancer survivor!!!
Now, let's fast forward again. Now, it's March 2010. Throughout the years we have added 3 more grandchildren and one more on the way. Kathy has again been having some medical problems and undergoing testing to see what the problem may be. This time, I was at work when Superman called but could again hear the fear and concern in his voice and left work to be with him and his parents. Esophageal Cancer. REALLY?!?! After all these years of being a survivor, could Kathy REALLY be facing more? Chemo. Radiation. Shots. Dr visits. Surgery. Feeding tube. More surgery. WOW!!! Again, as a family we are fighting.
Early tomorrow morning, Kathy and Charles are leaving for their 2nd trip to MD Anderson Cancer Treatment Center in Houston, TX. This time, there is final testing and plans for surgery. As of now, surgery is planned for July 8.
Please be in prayer for both Charles and Kathy. Traveling safety. Peace. Comfort. But their request is that most of all, God will be glorified and His will be done. Pray for our family. We will all be traveling to Houston at different times during the recovery period to visit. Pray for our safety as well.
I have spoken with Kathy a lot during these last few months about what she believes God's plan to be. She knows that whatever the outcome, she has lived God's plan for her life. She has raised 3 wonderful children who are now raising their children in Godly homes. But the key thing she told me is this . . . I have a peace. In Jeremiah 29:11, God promised "I have a plan for you . . . plans for a future."
Do you know what your future holds? Kathy does. One day she will spend eternity with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our prayer as a family is that she will spend many more days here with us first. Please continue to pray for her and the family. I will keep you updated.
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