Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A good man.

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones." Psalm 116:15

The world defines a good man in many different ways. My version of a good man is something like this:
1) Love God
2) Love Family
3) Love Others

Today, the world lost (but Heaven gained) a great man. Brother Ed will be missed by all. While some think it may be morbid, I am honored that I have been asked to sing at his memorial service on Thursday afternoon. I always have a hard time singing at these services but I think I'll be okay with this one. Not because I won't miss Bro. Ed but because not too long ago, he asked that prayer for him became that he would get to go HOME (his eternal home in Heaven). Our selfish nature will miss him but we can rejoice in knowing that he is in his "happily ever after" in Heaven with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Will we be able to say that about you when your life here on earth is through? I pray that people will know this is true about me.

This loss has also made me realize something about Superman. Remember my 2nd criteria in a good man? Tonight while I was cleaning up from dinner, I heard commotion in the living room. My natural instinct was to holler that things needed to settle down. But, fortunately, God spoke to me quickly and said to grab my camera and take a look. What I saw was this:

I am so grateful for a God fearing man who loves his family. THAT's a good man!

On another note, please be in prayer tomorrow for our family. Superman's mom (Kathy) is having surgery Thursday morning at MD Anderson in Houston (I'll update about this tomorrow) and he and his siblings are all traveling to be there. He and his brother are driving down tomorrow afternoon and his sister is flying out tomorrow morning. Please pray for traveling safety for all. I'll let you in tomorrow night on what the plans are.


  1. You sure got yourself a great guy there! I love to walk in on moments like that between my husband and son. :-) Praying for Kathy!

  2. So sweet! Good luck at the Memorial Service!
