Okay, so as to set the record straight right now, it's a kid-friendly party. It's actually to celebrate Chloe's upcoming birthday. She'll be 2 on the 8th (wow, really?)!
Now, in case you don't know this, we closed on our house and started getting it ready back in April. However, we have not gotten everything "ready" yet. For the first couple of weeks, we stayed in the apartment and came to the house every moment possible to do work (painting, cleaning, trim . . . ) and then moved the storage unit into the garage toward the end of May. Well, here it is the first of July and we are STILL unpacking things slowly but surely. So, when I say we're having to get ready for a party I really mean it! Thank God for Superman who doesn't mind cleaning and organizing. While some of the things he has done to "put things away" have been driving me crazy - like bringing in more boxes from the garage even though we still have several packed boxes in the house - he has been working super hard to turn the house into our "home." For that, I am grateful. So, he brings things in and puts it away while I'm cleaning up around and behind him. Thankfully, I have little elves that LOVE to help clean! Any chance you think it will stay that way? ;-)
Once everything had been cleaned and shopping had been done, these girls were ready to play!
(For those of you who are around my age, you may appreciate that this is Superman's original "My Buddy" that Hannah is playing with! Too bad I don't have a "Kid Sister!")
AND enjoy a home-made sour limeade with daddy (well, I'm not so sure Chloe "enjoyed" it!
So, she decided she needed a treat!
Then, they were exhausted. So, they went to bed while Superman and I kept working on getting everything ready. Since the party's at noon I thought I should have as much ready as possible!
This is about the extent of my creativity. I got the idea for having a popsicle party from my bestie. I got the idea of giving freezer pops as party favors from another birthday party we have been to. The ribbon - THAT's my idea of how to make it festive!! LOL
All in all, I think we're ready . . . Guess we'll see tomorrow!
Can't wait! Should be a good time!