Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School Days . . . In Pictures

Hannah's First Day of Pre-K

All Smiles :-)

The backpack is as big as her!
By the way, have I mentioned her favorite color is purple?!

Walking up to school . . . not at all intimidated.

Pausing to smile at mommy. I can't help but realize how small she looks!

Standing in line at the cafeteria. It was pure chaos!!! But she wasn't fazed at all! She had a great time.


Ms Gorney helping Hannah get settled into class

Pre-K and Kindergarten classes lined up ready to head home after their first day of school

She LOVED school! She was upset that she didn't get to stay all day!

BUT . . .
After a half day of school and lunch with mommy and daddy, this kid was tired!

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute. Enjoy while they are young.
